As you can see this website is created using Hugo. For quite some time there was one thing that was annoying me a bit. Hugo used to create a file true/index.html in a folder called true. It was really difficult to narrow down why this issue happens.

For the time being, fix is to use:

1disableKinds = ["taxonomyTerm"]

Everything is TRUE:

It’s really difficult to identify from where the true originates. Everything that is Non Zero is true in programming languages. You can imagine, if a language or framework does not depend on Static Typing, it’s easily possible that something that is unknown evaluates to true.

TRUE is very common:

I don’t know, whether this is an issue only faced by me, or is it a common issue. But I just could not google out a solution for this. I am not a go lang programmer so could not debug Hugo. And, even a google search for this problem would land me to every page which as true, written. And as you can imagine, true is a very common keyword to search.